Truck Owner's Insurance

W Joel Baker

Independent Owner Operator & Insurance Agent

Over 40 years experience in the trucking industry operating a wide variety of equipment including reefers, vans, flat beds, low boys, hoppers, auto transport, tankers and pneumatics. Certified by the National Safety Council and recipient of the Knights Of The Highway award.

My first job out of High School - the U.S. Army. Driving a truck was a required skill set and it would be the beginning of my love for the open road and the trucking industry.


1983 – Started trucking by hauling Bull Dozers, Bucket Loaders and other construction equipment


1991 - Certified by the National Safety Council


1992 - Received the “Knights Of The Highway Award”


1999 - Applied for my own FMCSA authority and began my own trucking company


2004 - Designed, coordinated development and implemented TruckBytes. A proprietary trucking software for truck owners and trucking companies.


In all my years of trucking I have learned a lot of lessons. I never had a mentor who taught me how to be successful owning a truck. As a result, I always seemed to learn the most valuable lessons the hard way. Today, more and more new truck owners come to the trucking industry with little or no experience. I want to help those new to trucking realize their dreams and become successful truck owners.


Through, I mentor new truck owners so they can be successful and thrive in the trucking industry. Sharing my experiences I learned both the easy way and the hard way with other truck owners is a commitment I continue to enjoy.


2018 - Retired from the US Army - A veteran of the War on Terrorism (2015-2016), the Gulf War (1990-1991) and the Cold War (1983-1989).